
You shop. We receive and ship


Open an account for free and get an address to start sending your purchases to our warehouse.


We receive your packages and store them securely for a limitted period of time.


You can access all your packages information through our user platform, designed especially for you.


You can manage your packages, request additional services, and ship to your country whenever you want.

You can combine multiple packages with no quantity or weight limits!

If you can't buy, we'll buy it for you

Some Korean websites do not accept payments from abroad. Our shopping assistant service helps you in such cases.

1 Copy the direct link to the product you want to buy.
2 Log in to your user profile and paste the link in 'Shopping Assistant,' indicating the quantities and options you need.
3 We will process your request, and you will receive a quotation.
4 You check it, and if you agree, you make the payment. We will then, place the order and notify you.
5 When your order arrives at our warehouse, we will link the package to your request. You can later combine it with other packages and request shipment.

*Please note that we cannot make purchases from individual sellers or resale sites.

Request shipping for one or all of your packages

We offer international shipping options, whether by air or sea, through recognized companies like DHL, UPS, and EMS.


In your user profile, in the shipping option, click on "+" to request a new quote


Select the packages you want to ship and fill in the required information.


We will process your order, and you will receive a quotation.


You check it, and if you agree, you make the payment. We will prepare your shipment to be shipped out within 2 working days.

We offer a wide range of associated services. If you need an extra one, we are always open to your suggestions

Repackaging and Consolidation

Remove the original shipping boxes, reducing the size of the final box and unifying several packages into a single shipment, this process will make your final shipment as economical as possible.

Picture and Order Inspection

Ask us to take a picture of your order to make sure that what arrived is what you ordered.

Package Search

When you do not receive or lose the tracking number of your package, you can ask us to search for it.

Package Division

Splitting a package into one or several packages for later separate shipping requests.

Change of Account

You can request to transfer a package from your account to another person's account.